Thursday, March 17, 2011

(St.) Dot's Day

It's St. Patrick's day today but since it's also my day to post about my life I decide to think of it as St. Dot's Day instead. As I get ready for work I think about my imaginary holiday and how much better it would be than St. Patrick's Day (i.e. no one would pinch you for forgetting to wear green).

I leave from my boyfriend's apartment in DC. Every Wednesday, at my old job, I would work from DC instead of my usual office so I got in the habit of getting dinner with him and staying over. Even though I have a new job now I still come down after work on Wednesdays to hangout and watch Modern Family.

My usual route to Metro takes me through a park and under a sketchy freeway. But, if I walk one street over, like I did today, I get this view. I thought you guys would appreciate this view more.

This stop is on the green line- very appropriate for St. Patrick's Day.

Metro isn't very crowded so I take a picture. I like how this one neatly sums up how I feel about morning commutes.

My desk at work is not very interesting yet.

I did inherit this awesome calendar with this country rock star on it. (I decide I need to take
the picture with Hipstamatic to make the awesomeness more apparent).

So work was pretty busy today since we are all preparing for a big meeting tomorrow. I do run out to go to
get lunch and visit the commuting fair thats going on in the lobby of my building. I'm planning to move to
the area soon so I get some bus schedules and bike trail maps.

More work and more work and more work. But when it finally ends I go to see a room for rent
in a house nearby.

This picture is blurry because, as I go to take this picture, I see one of the housemates walking up to the back of the house. I try to quickly put my phone down so I don't seem like a creeper. (I don't think he saw me).

I like the room and there is a cool garden (!) and screened in porch. The housemates are also pretty friendly. I find out as I talk to Mark, one of the housemates, that we went to the same Elementary and Middle School (but not at the same time). Then, I find out that his brother and I went to the same university. Small world.

Next, I speed home like a madwoman to try to get to the library before it closes. I have books on reserve waiting for me and I need to pick them up before they get sent back. It's too dark to take pictures outside but I get this one inside.

After, I go home. I clean up a bit and do random stuff until my boyfriend calls to hear about how I liked the apartment.

Then my sister comes in to show me her new phone (and unknowingly pose for this picture to be posted on the internet). She spilled coffee on her Blackberry and when she went to replace it today she had a choice between the Droid and Iphone. She choose Droid. We all know she made a bad choice.

And that was Dot's Day! Looking forward to reading about everyone else's day.


  1. Dot! You are so cute! I would absolutely celebrate a holiday in your honor. I feel like it would involve drinking classy,fruity drinks followed by a trip to Cookout. Yay for meeting people from Elon! Hope the new place works out!

  2. Little Sister!! You should have included a picture of "Big Buck" Hunter in the blog ;)

  3. Eric- unfortunately he was still sleeping when I left and I don't think he would appreciate a pre-shower picture.

    Matt- my boyfriends last name is hunter and one night we were all out at a bar he saw the big buck hunter game and decided to try it- and got himself a new nickname.

    My new job is working for a Foundation as a program assistant- its been good so far but very busy right now.

  4. Sounds like a good job for you Dot. I love that you put up that photo of your sister.

  5. Nice! Congrats on the new job, Dot, and good luck on getting the new place!
