Friday, March 18, 2011

A Day With James

First off, I would like to start by thanking Kate for this wonderful idea. Secondly I would like to apologize for how unbelievably unorganized my post is. I can't really figure out how to efficiently organize my pictures so they're actually in order so think of my post as a puzzle. You have to figure out which pictures took place before the other ones. Whoever guesses the correct order of all the pictures gets a ................................................... pat on the back I guess. Sorry!

This is what I cruise town in. My 2001 Subaru Outback. I think this is the most common car in Colorado, Doh.

This is a panoramic view of the rock climbing gym that I go climbing at, I like it a lot. I go here as much as I can during any given week.

This is a picture of my girlfriend, Ana. We went and did some rock climbing.

Mmmmmm, my corned beef after soaking in a crock pot for about 13 hours! This picture does not look very appetizing, but it was delicious.

A trip to REI was in order after work and before I ate my corned beef. I needed to pick up some stuff for camping for a camping / climbing trip this weekend.

It was dark and gloomy when I got off of work.

I like to sing on my way up to work. This is probably Bohemian Rhapsody or Under Pressure.

This is the town of Blackhawk in the mountains of Colorado. It's a casino town. That's really all that's there and it's where I work. I work at the really tall one on the right side. Yes, that is a 32 story 4 star hotel at the casino that I work at! I am not allowed to take pictures inside though, so I snapped this picture of it on the outside.

This is on the way up to work in Clear Creek Canyon. This is a picture of one of my favorite spots to go climbing outside.

At the beginning of the canyon that I take up to work. It's about a 45 minute commute, one way, up a winding canyon. It think it's a total of 18 miles from my apartment.

This is the view just down the street from my apartment. I like the mountains. Also, it is hard to take pictures while driving, sorry about the dirty windshield.

I'm excited to go to work!

This is the apartment building that I live in.

Welcome to a day in the life of James. It's nothing too glamorous, but it's a fun time. This is a panoramic picture of my room in my apartment:

This is a signed volleyball that is in my room from Misty May Treanor. No, I do not play volleyball, but I still like this.

This is what my living room looks like:

In the spirit of Saint Pattys Day I had to make corned beef and cabbage and carrots and potatoes and onions. I spent a lot of time getting the ready in the morning before I left for work. So much time that I completely forgot to eat breakfast. I was hungry today.

Thanks for looking and sorry again about the unorganizedness (I don't think that's a word, but I'm going to use it anyways) of this post. Maybe next time I will get it in order!


  1. How did you get the picture of you singing?...while driving?!...Glad you still made it home safely to take pictures of the rest of your day!!

  2. Ya I am a little disturbed at how you took those driving pics...I wish I was around for that corned beef and cabbage though!

  3. Colorado looks so awesome! I'm seriously considering boulder for grad school & you've totally garnered the state some cool points!

  4. I am impressed you have a crock pot. I had delicious corned beef and cabbage yesterday as well and agree that it tastes much better than it looks. Great panoramic shots. Colorado looks like everything I imagined it to be.

  5. Haha, piecing your day together was fun--it was like watching the movie Memento. Colorado reunion--just sayin'.
